Area of Navigation and Geodesy (航海及測地學專區)

Spherical Trigonometry(海洋大學商船學系球面三角學網頁)

Computational Geodesy and Navigtaion  (計算測地及航海)


球面三角學(P22, Art. 43,44 證明四部公式

Todhunter, I., 1886. Spherical Trigonometry. 5th ed. ed. s.l.:MacMillan.

向量證明球面餘弦及正弦定理(Page 79,80)

Gibbs, J. W. & Wilson, E. B., 1901. Vector analysis: a text-book for the use of students of mathematics. s.l.:Scribner.

Weinstock, R., 1974. Calculus of Variations, with Applications to Physics and Engineering. New York: Dover: s.n.

Wylie, C. R. & Barrett, L. C., 1982. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. s.l.:McGraw-Hill , Fifth Edition.

Williams, R., 1996. The Great Ellipse on the Surface of the Spheroid. Journal of Navigation, 49(2), pp. 229-234.

Earle, M., 2000. A Vector Solution for Navigation on a Great Ellipse. Journal of Navigation, 53(3), pp. 473-481.

項武義. (2001, 1 1). 球面幾何和球面三角學.  數學知識




Spherical Trigonometry. mathworld

Use vector to solve the problems of Sailing, Great Circle Equation (1992)大圓方程式


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